Why Do You Need Formal Training in Early Childhood Education and Care?


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Sydney is a sprawling megacity with over 5 million people and has been ranked consistently within the top ten livable cities globally. That makes it a great place to have a family. Hence, it makes sense that 859,700 of NSW state’s 1.36 million children under the age of 15 were found in Greater Sydney’s suburbs as per the 2011 census.

Why Do You Need Formal Training in Early Childhood Education and Care

The children of Sydney and their parents can depend on early childhood educators to shoulder their training responsibilities. Early childhood educators and caregivers need to go through child care courses in Sydney and be certified to enter that profession.

Training for the Caring

Research shows that children can be influenced far more deeply by their surroundings than expected. They are capable of picking up cues easily. To develop the necessary skill sets to be the right kind of influence for them, you must pass child care courses in Sydney. Such formal training covers a lot of bases towards achieving that goal.

Diversification of Career Path

Early childhood education has many diversified career paths to choose from. The educators work in preschools and lower grades of regular schools to educate children with toys, games, etc.

A similar option is Family Day Care educators, who are more caretakers than teachers. Nannies also do a similar job but within the confines of the parents’ house. Outdoor and After School Hours, educators are concerned with slightly older children’s extracurricular activities.

Early childhood education also leads the way to administrative positions in these segments, as well as policy making and advocacy professions.

Development of Necessary Traits

Your love to be with children alone won’t help with handling them. Formal early childhood training helps develop all the necessary qualities to help manage children and nurture them properly.

Things like patience, respect, teamwork, stress management, appropriate communication skills, fitness and nutrition, positive mindset, etc. are taught in these courses established by experts across childhood development fields.

Formal Requirement

NSW requires early childhood educators to have the Working with Children Check (WWCC) if you want to make a career out of it. You can obtain this certificate in Sydney if you pass the courses mentioned. The minimum requirement is the CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, which trains you to look after toddlers, young children, and infants.

The next step is the CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, which gives complete knowledge about the various early childhood careers and their requirements, including national regulatory ones.

Job Prospects

Though birth rates fell in Australia from 29% in 1968 to 19% in 2018, there has been an increase in their numbers. June 2018 saw 4.7 million children, and it’s expected to be 6.4 million by 2048. This means more demand for early educators, whose numbers went from 27,000 in 2014 to 42,000 in 2019.

NSW has a 35.2% share, and with Sydney being its most populous region, most jobs will be concentrated there. These courses will also open up opportunities elsewhere in the country, too, with a median weekly wage of AU$1488.

Child care courses in Sydney will nurture its students well, who, in turn, will nurture the minds of the country’s young generations.


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