What to Write in a Baby Thank You Card


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Whether you’re thanking a family member or a friend for a generous gift, or for being in attendance at your baby shower, it’s important to show gratitude and appreciation in the form of a heartfelt message written inside beautiful baby thank you cards.

What to Write in a Baby Thank You Card

Your support network of family and friends is excited to welcome your newborn into the world, and will be on hand to provide helpful baby advice and tips, companionship, and perhaps some home-cooked meals too.

Show them how much they mean to you by thanking them individually with a small, but meaningful note.

The Basics

Just like with other types of special occasion cards, baby thank you cards comprise of a few basic requirements.

Use the recipient’s name at the start of your card’s message. Follow on with a short text that is general, and include a mention of the thoughtful gift that you have received. Wrap it up with a statement of appreciation that informs the recipient how you plan to use the gift.

Finish off with a phrase that suits your relationship with the recipient, and sign your name.

…All done!

Thank You Card Writing Prep

It’s helpful to purchase your gorgeous personalised thank you cards prior to your baby shower.

After the event, before you sit down to write the heartfelt messages of gratitude make sure that you have enough stamps.

Keep a written log of all of the presents you have received – both at the baby shower and in the mail. List the gift and its giver, for easy referencing nd thank you card personalisation.

If you have a huge pile of notes to write, set a goal that allows you to pace yourself, so that the task fits in around your schedule.

As you’ll be extra busy once your baby arrives, it’s best to complete and send your thank you notes as soon as possible. But if baby can’t wait for their due date, it’s perfectly acceptable to send a belated thank you, along with a cute photo of your little one.

Keep It Short And Sweet Examples

When you’re writing your baby thank you cards there’s no need to spend hours composing the perfect prose. A message that is short and sweet is ideal for this job.

There’s no need to feel pressured to come up with a poetic masterpiece, when you’re writing a simple thank you message. Choose words that convey thoughts, feelings and emotion, and write a brief sentence or two.

If you need some inspiration, here are a few ideas…

  • “Thank you so much for the beautiful photo frame for baby.

We genuinely appreciate your support, and I look forward to you meeting the new addition to our family.

Love from, Mary and Sam.”

  • “Little Olivia thanks you for the lovely gift.

She can’t wait to meet you in person, and to share plenty of cuddles. We’re very much looking forward to your visit.”

  • “Thank you for your generous gift! We really appreciate how thoughtful you are. I know that little Liam will adore the gorgeous teddy bear.”
  • “Thank you for coming to my baby shower. I absolutely love the books you have selected to start little Archie’s library. I’m looking forward to reading him the bedtime stories that we enjoyed as young children.

Visit soon!

Love, Sis”

  • “Thank you for making time, in your hectic schedule, to attend my baby shower. I absolutely love the beautiful super soft and luxurious blanket that you found on your travels. As soon as baby arrives I’ll be sending you a photo of him all wrapped up in a cocoon of your generosity and kindness.”

If you’ve received the gift of money, word your thank you card like so:

  • “Thank you so much for the generous monetary gift. We can’t wait to put it towards the finishing touches of Brianna’s nursery! She is lucky to have you as her godmother. We look forward to seeing you once she arrives.”
  • “Thank you for the generous cheque that you sent us in the post. We’re excited to use it to purchase an infant carrier car seat. Expect a visit from us very soon, with brand new baby in tow!”

For friends and relatives who sent you a gift, but were unable to attend:

  • “Thank you for the amazing baby gift! We missed your fabulous presence at the baby shower, but we will be delighted to welcome you to meet our little one now that he’s finally here!”
  • “You were sorely missed at the baby shower, but thank you so much for sending us such a generous and wonderful gift. We have kitted out the nursery with the beautiful linens. Check out the enclosed photo to see for yourself!”

If a number of friends have pooled their resources to get you a gift, it’s polite to thank them individually. If more than 10 people clubbed together, you can probably get away with sending a group thank you note to one person via email.

Posting Etiquette

It’s polite to send your baby thank you cards within two to three weeks after a baby shower event has taken place.

Thank you notes that you write after the birth of your baby, to show gratitude for support and gifts, should ideally be posted as soon as possible.


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