What is a Personal Alarm and How Can it Help Me?


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Technology never stops developing and that means many innovative devices to enhance our lives in so many ways. One such device is the personal alarm that is designed for seniors, who are more vulnerable than a younger person.

What is a Personal Alarm and How Can it Help Me

Retaining your independence

When you reach your seventies, the family tends to be more concerned about your welfare and while you might be fit and healthy, if you live alone, there is always a worry that you might fall or have an accident and are unable to get to a phone. If you would like to learn more about personal alarms for elderly people, Google will take you to a leading Australian supplier of a range of personal alarm devices and you can order the model you think is best suited.

Portable senior alarm

This can be worn around the neck, much like a pendant and the device allows you to make a call. This intelligent device automatically sends your GPS location and it can detect a fall and can make contact with a nominated person or emergency service without the user’s help. There is an SOS button and when pressed, it puts you in touch with a 24/7 care centre, which is very comforting when you are out on a long country walk. If your mother or father are reaching an age whereby extra care is required, why not invest in a senior personal alarm? A small subscription is all that’s required to be logged into a round the clock care network, which is manned by professionals. Click here for information about potential causes of hair loss.

Home systems

The in-home personal alarm offers an elderly person to call for support at any time of day or night, with a unit fixed to a wall and a pendant, which is connected to the system and if the user should fall down the stairs, for example, they can call for assistance. This also gives relatives peace of mind, as they no longer have to worry if their parents are OK and for the little it costs, a personal senior alarm brings safety and security and extends a person’s independence. You could surprise your dad by presenting him with a gift and it does make sense to have the option to contact someone in the event of an emergency. Here is a free daily energy requirement calculator to help you work out a balanced diet.

Smart home integration

Using smart technology, the user can do the gardening and move around the house, all the while connected to a care service by simply pressing the SOS button. No one likes to lose their independence and as age catches up with you, this can threaten a person’s independence, especially when care is required.

If you would like to learn more about personal alarms for seniors, search online for an Australian supplier and view the range of products and take the first step to regaining your independence by ordering a personal alarm for seniors.


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