Questions to Ask from Your Houston Slip and Fall Lawyer After an Accident


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You may have the experience of slipping on a wet floor or tripping over a stray object on the ground without getting seriously injured. In the vast majority of Houston slip and fall injury cases, the victim is not so fortunate. A sudden tumble onto a hard surface can cause major harm to the human body, such as broken bones, head injury, torn alignment, etc.
A slip and fall incident may happen at your work or the grocery store, or even at a friend’s house. That’s why it is imperative to seek help from a qualified and experienced Houston slip and fall attorney for any serious injury, whether temporary or permanent.

Questions to Ask from Your Houston Slip and Fall Lawyer After an Accident

What Causes Slip and Fall Injuries?

Slipping and falling under typical situations is fine, but a specific condition can result in troublesome accidents. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that slip and fall are the #1 cause of death among older adults in the United States. Here are some common causes of a fall include:

  • Slipper/Damp floor
  • Materials, merchandise, debris, or other unexpected objects in walkways
  • Broken staircases
  • Walkway damages including crack or uneven tiled flooring
  • Poor lighting

However, determining liability for a slip and fall injury in Houston, Texas, depends on multiple factors such as the accident site, the victim’s responsibility for the accident, and the nature of the victim’s relationship with the property owner. Did you know the incidents of slips, falls, and trips have increased by 11% since 2017 in Houston?

Questions to Ask Your Houston Slip and Fall Attorney

If you live in Houston, Texas, and get injured in a slip and fall accident, you will need to hire a dedicated Houston slip and fall attorney who knows how to beat the bullies and win your claims. However, before you proceed with the lawsuit filing procedure, you need to ask your attorney a few questions. Take a look:

What Challenges Are There In Your Case?

Your attorney should be honest and upfront with you about any potential roadblocks to your financial recovery. This can help you for settlement and defining common defense tactics.

What Evidence Will You For A Slip And Fall Accident?

Learn what evidence you must keep and submit to your lawyer before any valuable evidence is permanently lost, destroyed, or damaged. You will have to provide a doctor’s record of your injuries to help your attorney pursue fair compensation for you.

Is There Any Time Limit to File A Lawsuit?

As per Texas civil practice and remedies code § 16.003, you get 2 years to bring forth the lawsuit. Your attorney should be well aware of a civil lawsuit time limit.

What Type Of Monetary Compensation Is Included In the Claim?

Organizations, workers, and property owners need to adhere to OSHA standards and requirements for preventing accidents. Failing to maintain the ladders, doorways, or uneven surfaces can lead to injuries, and the defendant has to compensate for it.
The amount of damages you are entitled to depend on various factors. Therefore, you will need to ask your slip and fall attorney in Houston about the compensation. You will be to receive expenses related to:

  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Medical Bills
  • Future medical treatment including therapy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages

However, Houston, TX, also has a comparative negligence law. You might get a low compensation if you’re partly at fault. Your Houston slip and fall attorney will try to get all this information from you before filing the procedure and will work hard to defend against claims of comparative negligence.

Asking these questions will help you to tackle even the toughest case. Don’t hesitate to call an experienced and dedicated attorney in Houston, TX, to recover the compensation you deserve as soon as possible.


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