Must-Have Safety Upgrades for Your Work Truck


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Driving comes as naturally as breathing to some, yet it’s an impossibly anxiety-ridden affair to others.

Wherever you happen to stand on the matter, safety should always be a prime concern, and whether your driving skills are incomparable or not, your fellow motorists can make the road a perilous place.

Must-Have Safety Upgrades for Your Work Truck

For those of you that need your truck to carry out your job, driving is so much more than just getting from A to B, in many ways, it’s the companion to your livelihood.

By staying vigilant, putting your wellbeing first, and remaining aware of the journey ahead, you can absolutely minimize risk.

If you felt like a few extra layers of security were in order, however, or your truck has seen its fair share of action and is in dire need of a good upgrade, you might want to check out these options.

Grille Guard

The many weird and wonderful roads of the United States contain a wealth of hidden surprises, some of which are potentially dangerous.

From weather extremes, awkward terrain, and dilapidated dirt roads, your truck’s grille may have taken a battering throughout your travels.

Protecting it with a grille guard can keep both you and your truck safe, particularly if a stray animal jumps out at you from the undergrowth or you suffer a crash.

Going for a custom solution is likely your best option, and you may want to check out the talents of Kansas-based upfitting company TCS Upfitting for a prime example of what to expect from the top tier.

Plus, if the time is right for you to get a new vehicle altogether, why not get the experts to help you build a unique truck from scratch, one that caters to your specific work needs?

Work Lights

Do you ever found yourself running out of sunlight in the middle of nowhere, halfway through a job?

If the answer is yes, you will likely know what real frustration feels like. You can avoid this problem and increase your safety by adding some truck work lights to your vehicle.

Options with flood beams can be highly advantageous for anyone who needs to utilize a wider spread of light.

The increased visibility on exceptionally dark roads can also offer you a greater awareness of your surroundings and ensure that you don’t accidentally bump into an unexpected issue.

• This might be ideal for the avid campers among you for illuminating some potential spots off the beaten track.

Storage Solutions

Hauling around poorly secured goods and materials in the back of your truck is likely not the safest of activities.

Not only does it endanger you and the quality of your products, but it can put other road users at risk.

By introducing some safe and secure storage solutions, you’ll never have to worry about this ever again.

Whether this comes in the form of racking, ratchet straps, hooks, or winch binders, making sure you get the right upgrade for you is a must.

• If you constantly find your truck overladen with plain old stuff and you need more room, it is worth considering a transferrable service body, as this can give you the additional space without having to buy a brand-new vehicle.

Towing Suspension

Your suspension system will likely have its fair share of work cut out for it, which is why opting for a specialized setup might be for the best.

A failing suspension system, or one that’s not designed for towing, may lead to drift and a great deal of instability while driving.

In the worst case, you may even find yourself rolling your truck. Obviously, avoiding this is crucial, so getting hold of the right suspension should be able to sort you out and increase your safety.

• As you continue to use your truck to move goods around or to tow other vehicles, your suspension may require a tune-up anyway, so it’s best to give it a quick assessment just to be on the safer side.

A Dependable Alarm System

A work truck might be full of highly expensive tools or materials at any given opportunity. This, unfortunately, makes them particularly juicy targets for any nefarious thieves who might be roaming the streets.

Combatting this eventuality is a must if you aim to keep your show on the road, so you might want to think about installing a dependable alarm system.

Some of the more advanced alarm systems may even be able to offer you real-time status updates at the touch of a button, no matter where you happen to be.


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