How To Remove RipOff Report From Google


Table of Contents

Are you the victim of a fraudulent complaint on

Are you looking for ways to stop the website’s negative information from appearing in Google search, but you just feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

How To Remove RipOff Report From Google

First things first,

….don’t get discouraged!

As frustrating and concerning as seeing your business or name listed on Ripoff Report, might be, the situation is not that desperate. Even if you’ve been told that removing your listing is impossible, that’s not entirely true.

The Truth About Ripoff

For those of you who are not familiar with, the website is privately-owned, free, and notorious for hosting and posting reviews and complaints from customers claiming to have been scammed or ripped-off.

Having been around for awhile – since1998 in case you wonder – Ripoff Report has built its infamous and controversial reputation by allowing any anonymous negative information to be posted, without verifying its claims.

Although pretending to demand absolute honesty from its users, other than asking for a valid email address, the website doesn’t require any other proof of accuracy before allowing a post to be published.

The biggest problem that any negative review posted here poses is that except from appearing on this particular website, it will also appear in Google search results. Anyone looking for your name or business online might stumble onto this defamatory, and many times false information.

Except from turning away customers from businesses based on scams, Ripoff Report is also a “gold mine” for government investigations or hungry lawyers looking for facts to use during lawsuits. In the end, all these could end up costing you money, relationships and damage your overall reputation.

In conclusion, being concerned about the negative effects that a Ripoff Report listing might have on your name or business, is legit.

But what can be done?

Removing Ripoff Report From Google

If you want to try and solve the issue by yourself, it’s doable.

You could try and contact the person who initially wrote the comment and either ask them nicely to remove it or sue them as a last resort. Sometimes they might agree, but other times your request could make them even more angry. They might decide to write other negative reviews and as a result, you will end up ranking even higher in Google search.

Another thing you could try to do is to file a legal removal request either by yourself or with legal counsel. But just be prepared for these measures to not work. Also, expect them to take time, patience and sometimes even a lot of money.

And the bad news is that in the end nothing guarantees that your efforts will succeed.

That’s why the fastest and most efficient way to have a Ripoff Report removal done is by working with a trusted online reputation management company. These professionals are dealing with cases like yours on a daily basis and know exactly what needs to be done and more importantly, they do it fast.

The method they use to suppress the negative information about you from online is by adding lots of positive content which will end up ranking higher on Google.

Basically for you it’s a win-win situation.

Not only are you getting your negative information pushed down towards the last Google pages where it’s hard to be seen, but you are also getting your reputation put in a more positive light.


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