There are many phenomena experienced by employees when working from home or being allowed to remote work in their current employment. One of them is getting insomnia due to their shifting ways of working. According to research, 42% of people who work from home say they often feel insomnia at night.
To know more about this recent phenomenon, keep on reading below to understand the causes and what you can do to troubleshoot this problem
1. Feeling anxious and worried
It is undeniable when you encounter a new thing in life, or have something that worries you and makes you feel anxious, it will make it hard for you to sleep at night. You may have too many thoughts clouding your mind, due to thinking about the current situation.
You may be worried about your work-related stress, combined with the anxiety that you can’t finish all of your work matters due to your kids running around or because of house chores you have to finish. With this accumulated worry, it will automatically make it difficult for you to sleep at night.
2. Depression due to isolation
When you work at home, you may not be able to do the routines that you used to do such as going to the office and meeting up with your coworkers. You don’t have any privilege to talk directly with them about goals and achievements, discuss a problem or ask for insight. This can make you feel like you’re losing a human touch, and make you get depressed. When you’re depressed with your new way of living, this will certainly make it more difficult for you to sleep at night.
3. Messy working hours
Another factor that makes it difficult for you to sleep at night while working from home is the messy working hours. Remote work makes you work without being supervised by a boss so you often fall asleep during the day because you work from the bed, or you might feel less enthusiastic or lack the desire to start your day at work.
This will create havoc in your work schedule and might disturb your working hours. Instead of sleeping, you may still be in front of a computer screen to complete your unfinished work at night.
How to Prevent Trouble Sleeping During Remote Work?
To avoid having trouble sleeping during remote working, we have provided some effective tips below that you can do so that you can sleep soundly and calmly at night!
● Reduce stress and set working hours
Reducing excessive stress is the first step that you can do to prevent insomnia or trouble sleeping. You can reduce stress by doing things you enjoy, for example reading books or listening to soft music before sleep time.
Apart from reducing stress, you also have to manage working hours properly when you are able to work from home. This is done to ensure that you have proper rest time and appropriate working hours every day. This will make sure that you have balanced working and rest time.
● Create a comfortable room atmosphere
Creating a connection between your mind and your bed is of the utmost importance. Thus, try to ensure you have a comfortable bed by making it up before you sleep on it. Change the sheet regularly, because a dirty and smelly bed or comforter can make you feel uncomfortable and in the end, it can disturb your quality of sleep. Make sure you have a high-quality sheet and a comforter for your bed, which can make you feel comfortable and cool enough during the night.
You should also hire an aircon servicing Singapore technician who can help to clean and maintain your room air conditioner regularly, thus you don’t have to worry about your room temperature.
● Create a music playlist for sleeping
This method may sound trivial, but you can do it to get a good night’s sleep. Studies have shown that listening to soft music or classical tunes before sleeping can improve sleep quality and may even help you fight insomnia. Choose songs with a serene and melodious tempo so it’s pleasant to hear and makes it easier to lull you to sleep.
These are some of the causes of trouble sleeping due to remote work and the ultimate tips to help overcome them. By following the best tips above, getting a good night’s sleep can still be managed, even if you are working from home!