Empowering Independence: Supporting Autonomy in Care Communities


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Freedom and independence are two great aspects that enables the overall physical and mental development of a being. As a result of which the need of independence cannot be ignored in care communities as well. The autonomy of taking decisions on one’s own life is of utmost significance to be creative, explore new things and feel high self-esteem. That is the reason why a great emphasize is given in the recent time on the empowerment of independence to people in care communities.

Supporting Autonomy in Care Communities

Meaning and Purpose of Autonomy in Care Communities

The autonomy is a vast term that encompasses many things under it. This is a sort of freedom that a person enjoy in terms of taking independent decision related to his life without facing any kind of control or pressure. For example choosing the friends, peer, freedom to wear clothes of own style, decision related to education and many other such independence. Community care homes in Exeter take care of such things and empower people to choose independent life for their dignity as well.

Advantages of Independence of Resident at Community Care

Here are few benefits of providing autonomy to people in community care like preserves their dignity and many other benefits. Have a gaze at them below;

1. Boost the Sense of Satisfaction

When a person feel a sense of autonomy on living his life in own way by taking small decision by own independence it boost the sense of satisfaction.

2. Enhance Mental Health

The mental health and stability can also be enhanced with the help of independence. At the same time it also enhances are level of creativity in people living in community care.

3. Incorporate Self Esteem

The self-esteem is one of the biggest reward of independence for community care people. They feel really confident with the help of a freedom to control their own life.

4. Dynamic Personality

An overall personality development is also an outcome of the autonomy to those living in the community care centres. Both physical and mental development is at its peak with the help of this freedom.

How to Boost Autonomy in Community Care?

Here are few ways that is help you to inculcate autonomy in community care for the people living in such places.

  1. Give preferences to the every individual’s needs and desires. Keep their interests in mind so that they can take their decisions freely.
  2. Talk on matters openly to avoid any kind of doubt and ask the residents what they want and what their choices are. Take good care of their requirements and give freedom of choice to residents also.
  3. The residents at the community care should be offered with the different kinds of alternatives if they are not happy with current choices. They should not be forced to follow the rules forcefully.
  4. Education is one of the strongest weapon to bring change and foster sense of autonomy in community care amongst the residents. So make sure to give best education to the people living in such centres.
  5. Freedom of speech and expression as the fundamental right also should be provided to those living in the community care to boost autonomy.
  6. A sense of privacy should also be experienced by the residents at community care to live a life full of self-care and independence.


So we can reach to a conclusion that it is very important to support the autonomy of those living in the community care. This not only help them in overall development of personality but at the same time also ensure the mental health and confidence in the people living in such places. Freedom is very important in all spheres of life and it is the basic right of every soul that we cannot curtail on any ground.


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