Elevating Your Tea Habit


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It is very important to notice that countries like India have a long history associated with Tea. People find it as inseparable habit of theirs to have tea from the beginning of a day and their day meet another end with a cup of tea only. Even we have variety of teas loke green tea, flavoured tea, spices tea and many more to explore in modern time. Here we will discuss about the ways that are going to elevat your tea habit significantly.

elevating your tea habit

1. Try Out New Varieties of Tea

Today market is flooded with variety of teas available from various brands like Ringtons and many others. The aim of these brands is to help you exploring the various varieties of teas present. For example green tea is healthy to detox the body, white tea gives amazing taste and herbs in the tea are having seveal health related benefits.

2. Follow Ideal Tea Making Procedure

It is also important to keep in mind while trying to elevate your tea habit that you cannot deviate from the proper method of making tea. The quantity of water, tea leaves and its heating should be in optimal porportion to bring out the real flavour of the tea. That is how you will be able to understand the difference between different types of tea. Every tea type is having a unique process of making and you must try to follow it aptly.

3. Buy Top Quality Tea Set and Pots

A good tea set in which it is served and the tea pot used for making the same enhance the tea habit many folds. It gives a good feel of having a cup of tea with friends to build memories. At the same time taste is also dependent on the quality of pot used for making the tea.

That is why make sure to buy a collection of tea set for your guests or personal use and also choose the best tea pot for making or brewing the tea for its best flavour. Every type of tea is having a different kind of tea pot requirement to get enhanced flavour and give a specific attention to it.

4. Include Tea as Habit

It is very important that you are sipping every cup of tea mindfully. To practice mindfulness while drinking tea is going to help you in understanding the emotions associated with drinking tea. For this to happen you can choose for a particular tea area in your home or outdoor space of the house. This is how you will be able to sip the tea and also enjoy it to the fullest and will also find easy to spend time with yourself.

5. Give a Try to Various Flavours of Tea

Do not hesitate to try out various flavours of tea that are availble in your surrounding. Never give a second thought to the experiment with the new type of tea because world is always there to offer something new in context of tea and try to explore as many as possible flavours of tea as possible for you.

6. Trace the Roots of Tea

If you are really bothered about having an elebated tea habit it is always good to know the history associated with tea and how it was important to coloniased nations. The tracing of roots of tea which enhance your habit towards tea for sure. You will feel more connected towards tea and can talk a lot on this topic.

7. Stay in Touch with Tea Lover

It is also good to stay in touch with the tea lovers so that you can exchange various experiences, facts and flavour regarding tea with them. There are so many world level communities which are sharing their experiences related to tea on several online platforms and you can also join them for having a lot of information related to tea and artifacts of people from across the globe as well.

So these are the common ways that will enhance your experience to elevate the tea habits. Make sure to try out all of them if you are a true tea lover and really interested in an enhanced habit of having tea.


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