Business Expansion into South East Asia: The Benefits of Malaysia


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If you have worked tirelessly to create your successful business and are now looking for new markets, South East Asia is currently booming and of all the ASEAN member countries, Malaysia has a lot to offer the foreign entrepreneur. Setting up in any foreign country can seem like a challenge, especially when you have little or no idea of the local laws and customs; almost like a fish out of the water, and if you are serious about entering the Malaysian market, enlist the services of an established business registration specialist. A local company would be very familiar with Malaysian business law and protocol and can advise you on the best form of business registration.

Business Expansion into South East Asia: The Benefits of Malaysia

Setting Up a New Business in Malaysia

When registering a new business in Malaysia, there are three main categories:

1. Representative Office – RO – A company that is looking to carry out further market research in Malaysia would be suited to the RO package. You can hire foreign employees and the duration would be from 2-5 years, while the non-trading entity would have easing on local compliance laws. Ideal if you want to lease an office in KL and send one of your managers to carry out market research and should your research go well, you can change your business status to a private limited company.

2. Private Limited Company (PLC) – If you are sure that your product line will be well received, you can go ahead and set up a PLC, which can be 100% owned and as a trading entity, there are no business restrictions. This allows work visas and the owners are limited in their liability and this is the most common form of business registration in Malaysia and with a local company that facilitates company formation in Malaysia, you will receive the best advice and be aware of the various benefits regarding taxation and residency. If you would like a career in the financial sector, click here.

3. Foreign Branch Office (FBO) – Perfect for the international business that wishes to add Malaysia to its markets; this trading entity does not have a time limit and would need to have a resident agent and with non-resident tax status, this is attractive. If the company already has a strong international infrastructure, this would be the ideal way to enter the Malaysian domestic market. Click here for more information about working visas in Malaysia.

Local Compliance

This is always a concern when setting up a business in a foreign country and to ensure 100% compliance, contact an established company formation firm that is located in Malaysia; they can fully brief you on all your options, enabling you to make informed decisions, plus they will request specific documents and bank account opening and they facilitate the process in a timely manner. A Google search will help you locate a company formation specialist and you can set the ball rolling and prepare to enter a new and exciting marketplace.


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