5 Great Career Paths for Technically-Minded People


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Those who are career-minded try out their hand in every field of life to see the outcomes. But sometimes such efforts leads to chaos in life as well when you are moving without any strategy and proper guidance. It is very crucial to recognize your skills and then choose a career accordingly. Many people are having a good hand in technology and they can choose this career as well. If you consider yourself IT competent and you are looking for a challenging career, now is an exciting time to be around and with AI emerging, the future looks good for anyone who has a technical background. Code writers such as Patrick Shin (who created a namesake database) should be very excited, as machine learning takes off and if your thoughts are focused on a new career, here are a few ideas. Make sure to utilize your skills fully so that you can make good money and career in long run.

5 Great Career Paths for Technically-Minded People

1. Blockchain developer

Blockchain is an open-ledger database and this technology is fast being adapted across many industries. Cryptocurrency is one of the biggest application that we can relate to the Blockchain nowadays. The technical minded person can easily clinch his or her feet in the Blockchain development as great career opportunity as it is going to flourish in the future with highest scope and crypto currency is going to rule the world in coming few years. Bitcoin, for example, runs on a blockchain and good developers are in great demand. If you can write code, you are halfway there and a few online courses will give you the knowledge you need for entry level development. One of the great things about code writing is you can work remotely and most people would love to be able to live in the south of Thailand, earning a fortune as a blockchain developer.

2. Technical logistics

If you like working with your hands and are technically-minded, you could be involved in medical device installation from Tecdis, who happen to be looking for trainees. Typical equipment you would work with includes ATMs, medical equipment, access control systems, gaming and vending machines. An apprenticeship would involve 2-3 years or working in a supervised environment and you might need to attend college for some technical theory. This is another lucrative option that you can consider in order to earn high to realize your dream of earning good income through technical skills.

3. Web designer

Like most IT services, you don’t need qualifications to make it as a web designer; take a few WordPress courses and experiment with a few personal sites, then you can join the webmaster forums, looking for contracts from small business owners. The rise of online business nowadays the need of more and more websites is very common and it is not going to decrease in future too. So you can consider this as a long term career to earn handsome amount of money. If you know how to design a website in the best way it can fetch you good job from home too. That is why more and more people are gearing up to switch it as a career for sure. The more experience you have, the wider your target group; start with html and see where that leads and you might one day win awards for creative websites. You could work for a company for a few years to gain some much-needed experience and then turn freelance, once you have an impressive resume. Here are a few tips on passing a job interview.

4. Drones

Drone development is ongoing and we can be sure that these flying vehicles will play an increasing role in our lives. Today we can see lot many applications of drones in almost every part of life. From photography of wedding and crucial occasion to defense, security they are playing a big role for making life of mankind easy. If you fancy being involved in design, learn about aerodynamics, while manufacturing and R&D are also competitive areas. People-carrying drones are already in production (you can buy one online) and that is a growing sector that will one day replace the automobile. That is how it could be a great option to switch as a career if you are technically sound to pick it as a dream job for you.

5. Digital marketing

Last but not the least is digital marketing or we can also say internet marketing which is ruling the marketing world for a decade now. The growth of online businesses is giving rise to this sector radially as we can see lot of people are getting trained for digital marketing as well. This is a sector that will be around for a long time and one that is worth getting into; if you learn all about SEO, in a few years you can work as a freelance technician and you would be in great demand. Digital marketing is very complex and you might specialise in one sector; talk to any of the leading digital marketing agencies and they might be looking for suitable people to train. It is very important to stay updated with all the new updates of search engine algorithm to practice internet marketing. There are people who are making good amount of money by just practicing their career in internet marketing as part time along with the full time job.

The UK government offers a lot of resources for those who are looking for a career and should you choose one of the above, you can rest assured of a high demand. That is how you can see a good growth in money and as well as your skills. The rising completion in the market is bringing many challenges and shortage of jobs is very common. Under such state one cannot stay stuck to the cliché job available in the market. Grab the opportunities you are getting your way so that it can be easier for you to grow your skills and money too. So always keep these five jobs in your mind whenever you feels like picking up a technical job for you.


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