10 Easy Steps to Plan a Video Marketing Strategy


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These days, videos are easily sneaking into varied screens and platforms. Different video formats are taking center stage in business marketing.

There are huge perks of adopting video marketing without spending a fortune. Do you know how? Simply by using an online video editor for creating videos.

10 Easy Steps to Plan a Video Marketing Strategy

In the present scenario where brands are racing to create their significance in the market, video-based marketing is a powerful tool for the brands to deliver their intended message.

But this will only be easy if you have the right plan. Unless businesses define a clear video marketing strategy, they might get lost in the online world’s confusion and mess. Avoid this situation by taking these ten time-tested tops by doublejump.media on planning a video marketing strategy into account.

1. Have Your Focus on Customer Persona

Video content is taking over the television as well. Six out of ten people watch videos on the web instead of watching television because the viewers get a more personalized viewing experience through videos. Brands can make the most out of this trend by focusing on the buyer persona.

The very first step of the process is envisioning your target customers. Consider factors such as their ethnicity, gender, age, and lifestyle. This will help you in chalking out their real persona.

Getting a clear idea of your target audience will make it easier for you to decide on the tone of your product. Next, you can create a script, record the video, edit it, and upload it on desired channels.

But one this you must not forget throughout this procedure is the customers’ expectations.

2. Understand Video Timeline

Video marketing is not about creating just one video that goes on the homepage of your site. Instead, it involves creating a number of videos to garner the audience’s attention.

If you want your video marketing strategy to work out well for you, you must have a long-term vision in your mind. The goal here is to lead the customers with a complete range of videos.

Initially, you can make five to ten videos to drive organic search and then another three to five videos for the different channels. Lastly, you can create more videos for conversions.

Doing all this can take time, so you must plan the video production timeline.

3. Convey Your Business Image

As a brand, you need to convey the right message through your videos. And at the same time, you must also maintain consistency across the videos you post. Try incorporating the color, tagline, and logo of your brand in all the promotional videos. This will strengthen your brand image.

If, by any chance, you are introducing some change in your video, make it a point to cross-promote it on the different platforms. This way, you can keep the followers in tune with all your branding updates.

4. Come Up With a Schedule

Maintain a schedule for distributing your content on varied platforms. It takes time and effort to create a video, and you can waste this by posting your video at any time of the day. Create a basic schedule and stick to it.

It is best to post videos when your target customers will remain online to boost the number of views.

5. Outline a Video Plan

This involves planning the content for all your videos. For example, you might want to make a social media video for driving traffic and growing your audience, a corporate movie to increase brand awareness, and a product demonstration video to highlight your new product.

Create proposed topics for the videos; consider their length and outline content. Certain videos work wonders with a call to action, while others benefit from their length. Planning everything in advance is the key.

6. Diversify All Your Videos

Nowadays, more and more brands are using videos to promote their products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify your videos to remain above competitors. Product demonstrations and recorded webinars are the most popular types of videos businesses use these days.

Well, you even have the option of experimenting with behind-the-scenes, how-to, customer testimonials, and interview videos. In 2022, tips & tricks videos and educational videos will also surge in popularity. So, it works to consider them in your video marketing plan.

7. Segregate the Tasks

Once you have the right plan for your video marketing, it is time to segregate the different tasks. This involves breaking up the procedure into small sections, like arranging lights, writing scripts, video filming, editing, and then uploading the content.

Create a list of all the tasks and set the deadline for all of them. Based on the scale of your video marketing project, you can have a number of sub-tasks. Get individuals to take up the different tasks. This way, you can efficiently create a video.

8. Plan Video Recording and Production

Once you are done with segregating the different tasks of the video marketing campaign, it is time for you to create a plan for recording your video. The editing itinerary is also important to ensure you do not fall behind your main objective.

Planning the production and the publication of your video is also essential. Filming and editing videos on channels like Facebook and YouTube offer videos of great authenticity. At the same time, editing them with professional editing tools offers them high perfection making your brand come off as a professional video production company Seattle.

9. Optimize Videos for the Search Engines

Optimizing videos for the search engines ensures that your content will get great visibility. Use the most relevant keywords in the titles and the descriptions of your videos for increased visibility.

Do not go beyond the 3 to 5 minutes video duration to get maximum views. Instead, use close captioning to make it easier for the search engines to recognize your video and display it to interested viewers.

10. Consider Sound Effects

Missing out on the sound effects is a huge blunder. Instead, make it a priority to choose good music for your video. That’s because visually appealing and audible videos have higher engagement rates than those lagging in quality music.


Videos are the same as all the other forms of content. They require proper planning to grab success. When creating the right plan for your video marketing strategy, you must consider your business requirements first.

Accordingly, you must create a plan that helps you meet your business objectives easily.


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